Wednesday 5 February 2014

Long time no speak!!

Well its been a while. I've been out on a plateau for the last little bit. I'm hoping to jump off it soon. I joined #GoodLifeFitness and I'm hoping this helps me out. I've been trained in how to use the 20 minute full body workout so I'm pumped (pun intended) to do it. It's not as grueling as I first thought it would be. I'm enjoying the gym (did I just say that??)

It's snowing so bad here right now we are going to close early!!  I'll go to the gym in my plaza tonight. First time to this location!!

I've been seeing a new Dr at the Poon clinic. Me and the old one weren't working out. She's way more encouraging and less judgemental!!  

Ok off I go to Poon on!

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